DNA Genesis and Bottles


What is DNA Genesis?

DNA GENESIS is the only natural product on the market that transports top ingredients with the finest delivery system in the world.


  • Antioxidant
  • Anti Inflammatory
  • Antitumoral
  • Antiviral
  • Antibacterial
  • Anti Fungal
  • Immune Support
  • Eliminate Parasites
  • Inhibits Binding of Spike Proteins



  • Neutralizes Viral Proteins
  • Improve Sleep
  • Aid Digestion
  • Loosen Mucus in Lungs
  • Relieve Sore Throat
  • Reduce Asthma Symptoms
  • Stimulate T-Cell Production
  • Promote Wound Healing
  • Cross Blood Barrier



Shake Well, then hold one dropper full under tongue for 30 seconds 3 times per day.

Three Bottles of DNA GENESIS


Quercetin Dihydrate Extract 

Quercetin is considered to be the most widely distributed and extensively studied flavonoid.  It has anticarcinogenic, anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties and is found in most plant foods including leafy greens, tomatoes, berries and broccoli.  It’s been shown to reduce swelling,  control blood sugar and helps to prevent heart disease.   It’s one of the most abundant antioxidants in the diet and plays an important role in helping your body combat free radical damage.  It has three crucial properties:  Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory.  The combination of these three properties makes it an excellent candidate for dealing with oxidative stress, inflammation and the immune system. 


  • Anticarcinogenic
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Immunomodulatory
  • Antiviral
  • Reduce Swelling
  • Control Blood Sugar
  • Prevent Heart Disease
  • Antioxidant
  • Oxidative Stress

Star Anise Extract

Has long been used as a medicinal remedy for the common flu, bacterial infections and as a mosquito repellant.  It has been shown to improve digestion and sleep quality.  One of the major compounds within star anise is shikimic acid, which is the primary ingredient used to make Tamiflu.  Star Anise contains a number of other potent ingredients that have been shown as:  anti-inflammatory, decreases body stress, reduces depression and anxiety, improves sleep, enhances digestion, antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal.  It has cancer-fighting properties.


  • Anti-Inflammatory
  • Decreases Body Stress
  • Reduces Depression
  • Reduces Anxiety
  • Improves Sleep
  • Enhances Digestion
  • Antiviral
  • Antibacterial
  • Antifungal
  • Cancer-Fighting

Fennel Seed Extract

Known to support bone health, lower blood pressure, benefit heart health, work as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent, boost immunity, aid digestion and speed up metabolism, this is a key ingredient.  It’s high in nutrients like calcium, manganese, vitamin C, potassium and magnesium.  It’s ideal to loosen mucus in your lungs and relieve symptoms of a sore throat.  It has also been shown to help reduce asthma symptoms.  It protects liver health and is rich in fiber and selenium, which keeps your liver healthy and helps to relieve many chronic conditions such as atherosclerosis.  It also stimulates T-Cell production. 


  • Support Bone Health
  • Lower Blood Pressure
  • Benefit Heart Health
  • Antioxidant
  • Anti-Inflammatory
  • Boost Immunity
  • Aids Digestion
  • Speed Metabolism
  • Loosen Mucus in Lungs
  • Relieve Sort throat
  • Reduce Asthma Symptoms
  • Protect Liver Health
  • Simulate T-Cell Production

Pine Needle Extract

Supports the health of all your cleansing mechanisms.  Excellent detoxification, to strengthen your immune system.  Antioxidant properties help reverse aging and eliminate painful degenerative diseases.  It is antibacterial, antioxidant, antifungal and wound healing.


Has been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years.  Its name stems from the fact that it can remove unwanted parasites.  It helps with digestion, pain management and reduces swelling.  It has helped those suffering with Crohn’s Disease.  It has been shown to improve metabolism.

Zinc Sulfate

Zinc is important for growth and for the development and health of body tissues.  It is used to treat and prevent deficiency.  Zinc has shown to reduce influenza viral infection through its antiviral effects. 

Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C)

A natural water-soluble vitamin.  It is a potent antioxidant that functions in fighting bacterial infections, detoxifying reactions, while supporting immune function.  It works as an antioxidant to protect your cells against free radicals.

Vitamin D3

Vitamin D3 is an essential vitamin that your skin produces in response to sunlight exposure. It can also be consumed through a variety of animal and plant-sourced foods. Vitamin D3 is known to support bone health, but it also supports the immune system to protect you from environmental and seasonal threats.  Vitamin D3 is much more than the sunshine vitamin. It also plays an important role in supporting immune function. Through specific mechanisms, vitamin D3 activates key peptides in the immune system that help defend against environmental threats. This peptide activity influences immune cell activity, to promote strong immune responses.

Reduced levels of vitamin D3, can affect your immune cells’ ability to protect against occasional environmental threats. In order for immune cells such as T cells to function efficiently, they must first encounter a seasonal or environmental threat. At this time, the T cells extend a special receptor that looks for vitamin D3. If the T cell cannot find the vitamin, it cannot be activated, nor can it become mobilized to protect you.


There is also a role for vitamin D3 involving overstimulation of the immune system. This is critical in helping to reduce occasional unnecessary immune responses. The knowledge of vitamin D3’s activating role in the immune response can help researchers learn more about reducing these unwanted immune responses.


  • Bone Health 
  • Immune Function
  • T Cell Activation
  • Supports Nervous System



DNA Genesis- Nanotechnology (“DNA Gen”) refers to a process that enables our unique emulsifying process to split the molecules of ingredients into smaller-sized particles. When the molecules are broken down thousands of times, DNA Genesis becomes even more bioavailable to the body for better absorption. 


Fulvic Zeolite

Fulvic acid is one of the components of humus and is made of many organic compounds found in the Earth’s soils, rock sediments and bodies of water.  Fulvic acid is created by the gradual decomposition of certain plants and animals over millions of years.  It is able to improve how our cells use antioxidants and electrolytes.  In fact, it has become popular as an antioxidant, neuroprotective, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.  It helps us absorb and use other nutrients better and is considered as the ultimate nutrient booster.  

  • Antioxidant
  • Neuroprotective
  • Balance PH


Zeolite is one of the negatively charged minerals and when combined with fulvic acid acts like a magnet drawing positively charged toxins and heavy metals out of the body.  Has shown to balance pH levels and help restore electrical conductivity in the body.  Fulvic acid has been used in the pharmaceutical industry as a drug delivery molecule because its very stable and easily crosses the blood brain barrier.  It transports all ingredients in DNA Genesis in its molecular structure throughout the body in an incredibly efficient way. 

  • Antimicrobial
  • Anti-Inflammatory
  • Restore Bodily Electrical Conductivity

Colloidal Silver, Gold and Platinum 200 ppm

Is a solution of tiny silver, gold and platinum particles in the nano particle range suspended in fulvic zeolite.  It offers its health benefits of supporting immune function by preventing infections.  It has been shown to exert powerful antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and anti-inflammatory effects.  It also improves cell-to-cell communication and providing a vehicle to easily transport all of the ingredients such as Quercetin Dihydrate Extract, Star Anise Extract, Fennel Seed Extract, Pine Needle Extract, Ascorbic Acid, Vitamin D3 and Zinc Sulfate throughout the body. 

Imprinting Rife Frequencies of Covid 19 and Spike Proteins

All life forms have a frequency and that includes the pathogen coronavirus, and the vaccine.  We have the technology to imprint the rife frequencies associated with the coronavirus, vaccines, boosters, spike proteins and graphene hydroxide directly into DNA Genesis so that the frequencies cancel out the pathogen through the law of similars. 

Covid 19 and Spike Proteins DNA Damage

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P.O. BOX 954
Clarkdale, AZ 86324

PH: 928-282-4095